Good afternoon, it’s Vidyanth Bhola, your host for the VHA podcast, podcast number seven. I’d like to thank everyone for the lovely feedback that I’ve been getting about the podcast that I’ve been doing. I know the podcasts are not perfect, but as I said, they’ll be getting better and better with time.
In today’s episode, we are diving into a crucial aspect of corporate governance in South Africa, The Public Interest Score, or PIS as it’s known. This matrix is a key for any company operating within the country as it determines compliance obligations and how a business should handle its regulatory duties.
We’ll break down what the Public Interest Score is, how it is calculated, and the implications it can have on your company’s compliance needs. The PIS is a measure used to gauge the level of public interest in a company, ensuring that businesses with a significant social and economic footprint adhere to strict governance and transparency standards.
The episode also details how the PIS is calculated annually based on the number of employees, third-party liabilities, turnover, and beneficial shareholders. We discuss the compliance requirements based on different PIS ranges and the importance of monitoring your public interest score to ensure your company meets its regulatory obligations and maintains strong corporate governance practices.
Stay informed and proactive about your PIS to keep your company compliant and uphold high standards of governance. Until next time, this is Vidyan Pola, your host. I look forward to my next podcast which will focus on professional conduct and how to conduct yourself as a professional accountant or chartered accountant. Cheers until next time.